Month: January 2024

Dr. Wayne Cordeiro

“Sometimes God says, ‘That was a nice idea, but it wasn’t a divine vision.’” Meet Dr. Wayne Cordeiro, founding pastor of the New Hope International Ministry. With inspiring insight into the nuances and necessities of pivoting as leaders, Pastor Wayne gives helpful cues to build resiliency in a way that healthily impacts your church.

Sean Morgan

Recently I’ve struggled to find the right approach to my time with the Lord each morning. It’s not been a matter of consistency, but rather impact on my walk vs. the routine of checking a box…

Nancy Beach

I read a whole lot of books in 2023. I won’t say how many because I don’t want to brag! A catchy slogan and goal for the new year might have been “Read MORE in ’24!” But an article in the Chicago Tribune by the Books Columnist John Warner challenged my thinking.

Chris Fletcher

“Sometimes, you have the grace to receive a vision but not the grace to communicate it.” Meet Chris Fletcher, Lead Pastor of Manna Church in Fayetteville/Ft. Liberty. Today, we get to hear Chris’ insights on leadership transition. We’ll learn about the wisdom of ambiguity in the beginning, what changes with money and leaders as you transition, and the necessity of peer mentorship.

Mike Hickerson & David Hibiske

“We overestimate how much energy we need to make an awesome church, and we underestimate how important it is to have a healthy marriage.” Today, we’re joined by hosts Mike Hickerson and David Hibiske in a church-planting conversation centered around the family side of a pastor. Often, in the hustle of church planting, pastors can fall into the trap of prioritizing work over family. This only ends up negatively affecting both the church and your family! Listen in for key takeaways and best practices to maintain strength in your family as you pursue ministry alongside them.

Sean Morgan

“There are more people open to the Gospel than ever before.” Meet Sean Morgan, host of the Leaders in Living Rooms Podcast and Founder of The Ascent Leader. Today’s episode offers eight church trends all pastors should be aware of as we enter 2024. Sean’s insight not only points to these specific trends but also to what they mean for your church and your leadership. How do we lead with courage as we see fertile soil trend upward?