
Dating Your City

In 2012, my wife and I were trying to figure out where God was calling us to plant a church. Through a dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, we landed on a few things we were looking for in a city that we would move to, plant roots in and raise our family. We had this mentality that if we were going to love the people of our city, then we had to love our city. Meaning, if we hated things about our city, like the traffic, the growth, the lack of good restaurants, etc, then that would come out in our interaction with people. It would be very difficult to love the people of a city, if we hated the city.


Recently I’ve struggled to find the right approach to my time with the Lord each morning. It’s not been a matter of consistency, but rather impact on my walk vs. the routine of checking a box...

Read Less in '24

I read a whole lot of books in 2023. I won’t say how many because I don’t want to brag! A catchy slogan and goal for the new year might have been “Read MORE in ’24!” But an article in the Chicago Tribune by the Books Columnist John Warner challenged my thinking.

Top 4 for 2024

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Thanksgiving Leavens Prayer…and Life

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Reflections From the NYC Cohort

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5 Proven Principles of Leadership During Economic Downturn

On a video call in 2020, with 17 lead pastors from Germany to Seattle, we processed key leadership roles pastors need to play during economic downturns, unemployment, and general crises.

Who Will You Be While You Do What You Do?

When I imagine the church of the future and what is needed going forward, I keep coming back to this question from leadership expert Patrick Lencioni – Who will you be while you do what you do?