Month: October 2023

Nicky Gumbel

“The only way to plant a church is through evangelism.” Meet Nicky Gumbel, pioneer of the Alpha course and former vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) in London. Nicky’s enthusiasm for a better focus in church evangelism is life-giving and inspiring. He meets the challenges of today’s church with a sense of intentionality and strategy that will encourage you and motivate change.

N.T. Wright

“Justice and love are two halves of the same coin.” Meet N.T. Wright, the former Bishop of Durham, theologian, author, and Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. Today, we are tackling current events in Israel and Gaza with a renewed perspective of lament. N.T. Wright brings a depth of wisdom that not only expands on our understanding of biblical text, but also informs us of how we are to operate today in the church.

Andy Wood & Mike Hickerson

“Sometimes we pray generic prayers and expect God to give specific answers, but there is a power in inviting God to show off in the process of planting a church.” Today’s church planting insights include eight steps toward raising financial support. Andy and Mike reflect on their own church plant experiences as they advise church planters on the financial side of the ministry launch. Be encouraged today by fellow church planters as you navigate your own planting journey!

Dave Stone

“It’s a narcissistic leader who passes the baton and then hopes that the church diminishes or fails.” Meet Dave Stone, former lead pastor at Southeast Christian Church. Sharing from personal experiences, Dave gives us insight into healthy leadership transition, including how to be the biggest champion for your successor, how to carry an interim pastor role, and how to gauge the health of your leadership.