Who Will You Be While You Do What You Do?
When I imagine the church of the future and what is needed going forward, I keep coming back to this question from leadership expert Patrick Lencioni – Who will you be while you do what you do?
When I imagine the church of the future and what is needed going forward, I keep coming back to this question from leadership expert Patrick Lencioni – Who will you be while you do what you do?
The question: “What’s here now?” means paying attention to: What am I sensing in my body? What am I feeling in my heart? What am I thinking in my mind?
“People kept asking me, are you excited? But I wasn’t all that excited, and I felt like something was wrong. To be honest, I was a little bit scared. There are so many calls in scripture where the call was clear, but it wasn’t something they were excited about.” Meet Dave Dummitt, Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, dynamic leader and pastor who knows a thing or two about transitions. In this episode, Dave invites us into the behind-the-scenes process of being pursued by Willow, wrestling with God’s call to Chicago, and what it meant to leave 2|42 Community Church in its season of thriving. Dave says candidly, “This wasn’t a transition, it was a turnaround.”
“We’re half the church we were before Covid hit, attendance wise. But the foundation is stronger than it was when we built from where we are now, before.” Meet Greg Lindsey, Lead Pastor of Discovery Christian Church in Colorado Springs, CO. From lawyer, to church planter, to transitions leader, Greg has a transition story that didn’t start well, and then got worse before it ever got better. He shares his approach of leading Discovery with “duct tape and dreams” and encourages leaders to let off the gas in their striving and driving and be far more willing to grow slowly.