Author name: amycothrangray

Rich Villodas

Steve Carter and Rich Villodas have a lively conversation on the Craft & Character podcast about how to stay both prophetic and pastoral as a preacher. The two will dig into Rich’s sermon “Desiring One Thing” that he delivered last September after returning from sabbatical. Rich shares openly and honestly from moments in his leadership when he has spoken out. In addition he shares what practices have shaped him and propelled him to do so. Rich also discusses practices that are crucial for him and the heart behind his forthcoming book, The Deeply Formed Life.

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John Mark Comer

In the first ever episode of The Craft & Character Podcast, Steve Carter and John Mark Comer talk about a sermon John Mark preached in early May entitled “Holy Uncertainty.” John Mark shares some specifics around how he builds a talk and opens up about his story, the importance of therapy, and specific practices that are helping guide him through the liminal space of 2020.

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Pat Gelsinger

Pat Gelsinger joins Sean Morgan to talk through Pat’s journey from a farming family in Pennsylvania to becoming Glassdoor’s #1 CEO in the country in 2019 at VMware and co-founder of Transforming the Bay with Christ. Pat’s technology background provides a new light to our ongoing conversation on transition. Listen in as he humbly provides excellent advice centered around leading with vision and shaping culture.

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Steve Carter

In the rapid move to church online, communicators need a crash course on how to communicate more effectively. No longer is there a large room full of people you can be eye-to-eye with—you’ve now got families gathering together around screens in their living rooms and kitchens. Your style of communication must adapt. Steve Carter brings wisdom worth following.

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Tommy Politz

“Change is painful, but it’s better than death.” Meet Tommy Politz, Senior Pastor of Hillside Christian Church, who has served as pastor, church planter, and transitional leader in his 30+ years of ministry. In this episode, Tommy shares with us his own personal journey of transitional leadership and the wisdom he’s gained along the way. Transitional leaders will face high resistance in their quest for high impact. Paying attention to the rate, pace, and acceleration of decision making will be a critical element to a successful transition.

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