Tyler Burns

Bearing Witness
In the latest Craft & Character podcast, Steve Carter interviews pastor Tyler Burns about his commitment to being a local pastor and how in bearing witness to the pain of his people there comes a newfound power in his sermons. Tyler breaks down his prep for his Q Conference talk and shares a plethora of mentors, pastors and authors who have helped him shape and form a talk. What Tyler shares about his prep process is information you can immediately implement in your own talk creation process.

Who is Tyler Burns?

Tyler Burns is the President of The Witness: A Black Christian Collective (thewitnessbcc.com), Host of the Pass the Mic Podcast with Jemar Tisby and the Lead Pastor of New Dimensions Christian Center. Tyler is married to Mylena and they have two beautiful kids and live in Pensacola, FL.

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About the Host

Steve Carter is a renowned pastor, speaker, author, and the former lead teaching pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago.

As host, Steve sits down with ministry leaders to talk about the art of mastering communication while growing in personal character.

Steve Carter

Your Host

Steve Carter

Craft & Character
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