Tim Celek
Tim Celek’s Insights on Reviving the Call & Prioritizing Evangelism in Today’s World
About The Episode
“Assignments change, but your calling doesn’t.” Meet Tim Celek, Senior Director of Post-Launch Services at Stadia. In today’s episode, guest host, Sean Morgan, leads a conversation with Tim to help us understand the nuances of calling and evangelism in the church today. You’ll hear what Tim has noticed trending in church planters within the last five years, and how to instill an evangelism mindset in the core of your church.
Welcome to Episode 026 of The Unfair Advantage Podcast with Mike Hickerson and David Hibiske.
Insights From Tim
- In Scripture, we find calling: Abraham, Moses, Caleb, David, etc.
- We don’t “stumble” into ministry. God propels us into it.
- Calling is a definitive part of what it means to be in ministry.
- What is your personal relationship with Jesus?
- Do you have a deep heart for other people? Do you show love?
- Do you hold onto the Great Commission tightly?
- Assignments change, but your calling doesn’t.
- There is no assignment beneath someone who is called for ministry.
- Assignments test our servant quotient.
- There’s a tension in our culture with the expression of evangelism.
- The personal evangelism is lacking.
- Polarization of our culture causes difficulty.
- You don’t drift toward evangelism.
- Evangelism needs to be owned by the planter. Then, it should be hard-wired into your leadership and staff. It rolls downhill.
- Lean into the “BLESS” approach (Dave Ferguson)
- Begin with prayer
- Listen to others
- Eat with others
- Serve others
- Share with others
- Be involved in the community
- Church planters in the last 5 years have a greater sense of weariness and shrunk vision.
- It began with a big vision, and now they are taking smaller steps.
- In the last 5 years, people have started to call into question their calling.
- The cure
- Dream big and trust God’s calling.
- Find people to support you.
Episode Links
@timcelek on Instagram
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Who is Tim Celek?
Tim lives in Costa Mesa, CA with his wife of 45+ years, Sue. In 1988, Tim planted The Crossing Church, and over 30 years had the opportunity to see The Crossing grow, reflect, and impact the coastal community of Orange County. On the church’s 30th birthday, Tim intentionally handed off leadership of The Crossing Church to a young leader and the church continues to thrive and grow. During Tim’s tenure, The Crossing Church had the opportunity to resource and breathe life into 5 new churches, because of this and the many people who poured life and courage into Tim, he desires to pay it forward to the next generation of church starters. Therefore, Tim now serves as Senior Director of Post-Launch Services at Stadia. He coaches, encourages, and guides church planters in leading thriving, growing, and multiplying churches. Tim enjoys Harley riding with Sue, as well as sail boating. When he isn’t on boats or motorcycles, he loves to spend time on E-bikes with his two grandsons, their moms, and his sons-in-law.

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