Mike Hickerson & David Hibiske
Unveiling the 7 Game-Changing Shifts in the First 2 Years
About The Episode
Whether you’re planting a church or leading one, these seven shifts will be pivotal in the first two years of development. They set the tone for a community’s growth and impact. Remember, it’s about a long obedience in the same direction. Take it step by step, and give yourself and your team the grace to grow.
Welcome to Episode 024 of The Unfair Advantage Podcast with Mike Hickerson and David Hibiske.
Insights From Mike & David
1. From Doing to Developing:
- Move from the mentality of “doing it all” to developing a team.
- Developing a team ensures sustainability and growth.
2. From Me to We:
- Transition from “my vision” to a shared vision.
- Establishing a shared vision enhances unity and collective purpose.
3. From Fundraising to Donor Development:
- Shift the focus from merely fundraising to developing long-term relationships with donors.
- Emphasize cultivating relationships over one-time contributions.
4. From a Launch Plan to Pastoral People Processes:
- Progress from the launch plan to established pastoral processes.
- Implementing pastoral processes nurtures and cares for the community.
5. From Hopes to Realities (Dreams to Data):
- Move from idealistic dreams to facing the reality of the community you are serving.
- Learn to pastor the reality church in front of you.
6. From Reaching to Reaching and Growing:
- Shift from solely reaching people to nurturing and growing them in faith.
- Balance the tension between reaching new people and caring for the current community.
7. From a Launch Plan to a Strategic Calendar:
- Transition from a launch plan to a strategic calendar.
- Develop a strategic calendar that encompasses gatherings, groupings, and outreach, focusing on being good news in the city.
Episode Links
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Who Are Mike Hickerson & David Hibiske?
Mike Hickerson is the Lead Pastor of Mission Church in Ventura, CA. Mike describes himself as a church planter, lucky husband, outnumbered dad of three daughters, Oklahoma Sooner fan, coffee addict, and a struggling surfer.

David Hibiske is the Pastor of Strategic Ministry Initiatives at Saddleback Church. He grew up in Wilmington, NC before moving to Fort Worth, TX to attend Southwestern Seminary. David met his wife, Kendall, while in Seminary and they have two daughters, Ella and Avery, and one son, Andrew. After completing his Master of Divinity, David and Kendall moved to San Jose, CA to join the staff team at South Bay Church (now Echo Church). In 2022, God called them to head to Southern California and join the team at Saddleback Church where David now serves as Pastor of Strategic Ministry Initiatives.

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