Kenton & Laurie Beshore

What’s Really Important After Four Decades in Ministry

About The Episode


In this episode, Kenton and Laurie Beshore share their invaluable insights on maintaining a healthy balance between ministry and family life. Laurie highlights the “wear and tear” that ministry can have on marriages and families and offers practical tips during the differentiation stage of your kids’ lives. Discover what questions Laurie would ask a young leader after her 40 years in ministry.

Welcome to Episode 112 of the Leaders in Living Rooms Podcast with Sean Morgan. 

Insights from Kenton & Laurie 



  • Ministry can cause “wear and tear” damage to your marriage and family
    • Protect your kids from unhealthy expectations
    • Spend quality time away from the church
    • Intentional time after holidays, as summer starts, etc.
  • Differentiation
    • When your kids are in their independent phase, still do fun things, but don’t expect them to alway want to join. Create fun, and they will likely want to join!


  • When a spouse joins staff at church
    • Children can be positively impacted by the role and investment
    • Marriage can be healthy in the midst of it
    • It takes prioritizing and intentionality


  • How is your marriage?
    • When was the last time you laughed hard together?
    • When was the last time you did something fun?
    • When was the last time you had a meaningful conversation?
  • How is your family
    • What do you do that is fun?
  • You don’t enjoy the post-ministry years of life unless you’ve prepared for it.

Episode Links

If you’re a leader approaching a succession or transition. Or maybe you’re a few years in and beginning to see how complex transitions leadership is… go to The Art of Pastoral Succession and check out my brand new course in partnership with Carey Nieuwhof. 

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Who are Kenton and Laurie?

Kenton Beshore served as Senior Pastor of Mariners Church in Orange County, CA for 35 years, during which the church experienced God’s incredible blessing and growth. In 2018 Kenton transitioned to the role of Pastor Emeritus, making way for Mariners’ new senior pastor, Eric Geiger, to take the reins. Today, Kenton is a part of the Mariners teaching team and takes the teaching ministry of Mariners to other Southern California churches. Kenton and his wife Laurie are passionate about investing in the next generation of pastors, igniting them to become all God has called them to be through mentoring and coaching. They spend the remainder of their time investing in their 11 grandchildren.


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About the Host

Sean Morgan is a coach and speaker with a national reputation as a catalyst of fresh vision. His passion is to help ministries navigate obstacles and turn them into opportunities.

Throughout his career, Sean has pioneered initiatives impacting thousands of leaders across the country. He started out serving as Executive Pastor and CFO at New Life Church in northern California.

As host, Sean gives you access to amazing conversations, hard-won wisdom, and poignant insights from world-class leaders in intimate “living room” settings.

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Sean Morgan

Leaders in Living Rooms
Craft & Character

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