Joby Martin
A Conversation with Joby Martin
Few aspects of Joby Martin’s ministry journey have been predictable. His first sermon was an impromptu talk at a youth camp, thanks to a coach who believed in him and tossed him into the deep end. He planted a church almost without realizing it. On Mondays he prepares sermons while hunting, tucked away in the woods, or poised quietly in a tree stand. He rarely plans sermon illustrations beforehand一they just sort of come to him in the moment.
Through the ups and downs of 20+ years as a pastor, the gospel of grace has kept him buoyant and grateful. Steve Carter draws out the hacks and habits Joby has refined through the years, including the storytelling culture Joby grew up in and how it informs his preaching, the necessity of humility, how to map out a preaching series that’s culturally engaging and biblically robust, and the habits that enable pastors to finish well. They also chat about Joby’s new book and it’s central thesis: “If the tomb is empty一then anything is possible.”
Episode Links
If the Tomb Is Empty: Why the Resurrection Means Anything is Possible by Joby Martin
If the Tomb is Empty Study Guide by Joby Martin
Who is Joby Martin?
Joby Martin is the founder and lead pastor of the Church of Eleven22 in Jacksonville, Florida. He frequently speaks at conferences around the country, and is an active member of the Acts 29 church planting network. Check out his new book, If the Tomb Is Empty: Why the Resurrection Means Anything is Possible.
Instagram: @jobypmartin
Twitter: @jobymartin
Facebook: @jobymartin

Social Media Quotes
“If the tomb is empty, anything is possible.”
“When we compare, we always compare what we know about ourselves with what we don’t know about somebody else. We compare our B-roll with everybody else’s highlights. We compare our unfiltered life to everybody else’s filtered life.”
“Comparison can only lead to pride or condemnation, and neither is the native tongue of the heavenly Father.”
“Three questions I always ask in sermon prep: What? So what? Now what?”
“Comparison is an affront against God. When you compare yourself to somebody else, essentially you’re saying: ‘God, you got it wrong!’”
“Humility is not an attitude, it’s a posture.”
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About the Host
Steve Carter is a renowned pastor, speaker, author, and the former lead teaching pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago.
As host, Steve sits down with ministry leaders to talk about the art of mastering communication while growing in personal character.

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Steve Carter
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