Jason Mitchell

Leadership Succession at LCBC

About The Episode


In this episode, Sean sits down with Jason Mitchell, lead pastor of LCBC Church, to discuss his leadership journey, the challenges of succession, and the evolving role of the church in today’s culture. Jason shares his personal faith story, the intentional process behind his transition to lead pastor, and the importance of emotionally mature leadership. He also highlights the current spiritual hunger in communities and LCBC’s focus on reaching Pennsylvania, investing in the next generation, and engaging in local and global initiatives.

Welcome to Episode 128 of the Leaders in Living Rooms Podcast with Sean Morgan.

Insights from Jason


1. Leadership Is a Journey, Not a Destination

Jason Mitchell’s path to becoming LCBC’s lead pastor was a 20-year process filled with different leadership roles, mentorship, and intentional growth. His story emphasizes that leadership development is less about a title and more about preparation, character, and stepping into opportunities.

2. Navigating Church Succession Requires Intentionality

Succession in church leadership can be complex, but Jason and his predecessor, David Ashcraft, approached it with honesty, humility, and a commitment to a smooth transition. By having candid conversations and focusing on mission over personal ambition, they ensured the process was healthy for the church and its people.

3. Emotional Maturity is Key in Leadership Transitions

One of the biggest challenges in leadership changes is managing relationships and expectations. Jason highlights the importance of emotional maturity—both in leaders and staff—to navigate shifting dynamics with grace and clarity.

4. The Church Must Respond to a Growing Spiritual Hunger

LCBC has noticed an increasing openness to faith, with more people actively seeking Jesus. This shift, Jason believes, is partly due to the instability in societal institutions and a deep desire for truth and meaning. The church must be prepared to meet people in their spiritual journey with authenticity and clarity.

5. Reaching the Next Generation is a Non-Negotiable

With a cultural battle for the hearts of young people, Jason emphasizes the importance of investing in student and kids’ ministries. He believes the church must be proactive in reaching the next generation before other influences shape their worldview.

6. Local and Global Outreach Strengthens the Gospel’s Impact

For Christianity to remain credible, it must not only be philosophically sound but also practically impactful. LCBC prioritizes community engagement and global partnerships to demonstrate the transformative power of the gospel beyond Sunday services.

Episode Links



If you’re a leader approaching a succession or transition, or maybe you’re a few years in and beginning to see how complex transitions leadership is… go to The Art of Pastoral Succession and check out my brand new course in partnership with Carey Nieuwhof. 

Are you in Transition or have one on the horizon? Check out our cohorts and get connected with us at: https://theascentleader.org/cohorts/

Who is Jason Mitchell?

Jason is the Senior Pastor at LCBC (Lives Changed By Christ) Church. LCBC is a thriving church with 24 locations across Pennsylvania. Jason is passionate about keeping the church focused on the relentless pursuit of introducing more people to Jesus and together following him with their lives. He’s also the author of “No Easy Jesus: How the Most Difficult Choices Lead to the Greatest Life”.

Jason and his wife Jenny have three kids and live in Manheim, Pennsylvania. Spend some time in the Mitchell house and you’ll find a lot of coffee, a lot of books, a full family calendar, and a whole lot of swag representing the University of Alabama Crimson Tide!


Thanks to our sponsor: OneHope: OneHope’s mission is to reach every child and youth in the world with God’s Word through the global church. In 35 years of ministry OneHope has reached more than 2 billion young people with the Gospel. Learn how you and your church can get involved by visiting onehope.net/learnmore/.

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About the Host

Sean Morgan is a coach and speaker with a national reputation as a catalyst of fresh vision. His passion is to help ministries navigate obstacles and turn them into opportunities.

Throughout his career, Sean has pioneered initiatives impacting thousands of leaders across the country. He started out serving as Executive Pastor and CFO at New Life Church in northern California.

As host, Sean gives you access to amazing conversations, hard-won wisdom, and poignant insights from world-class leaders in intimate “living room” settings.

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Sean Morgan

Leaders in Living Rooms
Craft & Character

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