Dr. Richard Blackaby

Leadership Transitions and Growing Your Church

About The Episode


“Don’t be so busy trying to turn things around that you neglect the people you’re working with. Start tackling the small stuff to build up a resume and track record of success, then you can gradually start tackling bigger and bigger things that ultimately need to get changed as well.” We’re joined in this episode by Dr. Richard Blackaby, President of Blackaby Ministries, co-author of Experiencing God with his father, Henry Blackaby. Sean and Richard take a deep dive into the practical, daily details of what it takes to be successful in transitions leadership. They unpack gaining credibility as the new leader, making changes while still honoring the original purpose and message of the church, and seeing not just the problems, but the possibilities behind them.” This is a true masterclass on leadership! 

Welcome to Episode 069 of the Leaders in Living Rooms Podcast with Sean Morgan. 

Insights From Richard Blackaby

Gain Credibility with Small Wins While You’re Still the “Outsider”

  • “There’s a right thing to do, and then there’s a right time to do it.” 
  • You’re leading people, not organizations. They all have their own journey, their own fears, their own baggage. You have to connect with the hearts of your people. 
  • If you listen to people, you immediately begin to build trust
  • “Don’t underestimate the power of small victories… you don’t need to hit a homerun the first day on the job.” Get some small wins, cleanup some obvious stuff to get started.” 
  • “Don’t be so busy trying to turn things around that you neglect the people you’re working with. Start tackling the small stuff you can knock off quickly to build up a resume and track record of success, then you can gradually start tackling bigger and bigger things that ultimately need to get changed as well.”

Making Adjustments with Honor

  • If you’re insecure, you’re going to feel threatened by your predecessor. 
  • You won’t do yourself any good by criticizing the guy before you. Don’t start your journey off negatively. 
  • Start off by affirming what’s already there and making it as good as it can be. 
  • There is a way to update things without having to diminish those who went before you. 
  • The church may look different with your changes, but the message is still the same. 
  • “What you permit, you promote.” Sean Morgan
  • Don’t foster a culture where anyone is being criticized. 
  • Being a good leader is also being a biblical leader
  • “There will always be problems. It’s up to you to find the possibilities behind the problems.”

Episode Links

Experiencing God helped people actually experience and encounter God in your daily life, rather than just knowing God. Now available: The Experiencing God Bible: Knowing and Doing the Work of God

Are you in Transition or have one on the horizon? Check out our 2023 cohorts and get connected with us at: https://theascentleader.org/cohorts/ 

Who Is Richard Blackaby?

Richard Blackaby earned an M.Div. and Ph.D. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. With his father, Henry Blackaby, he co-authored Experiencing God, Fresh Encounter and numerous other books. Richard has also written Living Out of the Overflow and a forthcoming title, The Ways of God. Richard serves as the president of Blackaby Ministries International (Blackaby.org) and travels internationally speaking on leadership, revival, and God in the marketplace. 

Website: http://www.blackaby.org
Facebook: @blackabyministries
Twitter: @ExperiencingGod

Sponsors & Partners

Thanks to our sponsor: Food For The Hungry.

Combine your church’s heart for the poor and Food for the Hungry’s global experience at fh.org/churches.  

The Art of Leadership Academy – https://careynieuwhof.com/the-art-of-leadership-academy/

Quotes From Episode

“There’s a right thing to do, and then there’s a right time to do it.” 

“Don’t underestimate the power of small victories… you don’t need to hit a homerun the first day on the job.” Get some small wins, cleanup some obvious stuff to get started.” 

“Don’t be so busy trying to turn things around that you neglect the people you’re working with. Start tackling the small stuff you can knock off quickly to build up a resume and track record of success, then you can gradually start tackling bigger and bigger things that ultimately need to get changed as well.”

“There will always be problems. It’s up to you to find the possibilities behind the problems.”

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About the Host

Sean Morgan is a coach and speaker with a national reputation as a catalyst of fresh vision. His passion is to help ministries navigate obstacles and turn them into opportunities.

Throughout his career, Sean has pioneered initiatives impacting thousands of leaders across the country. He started out serving as Executive Pastor and CFO at New Life Church in northern California.

As host, Sean gives you access to amazing conversations, hard-won wisdom, and poignant insights from world-class leaders in intimate “living room” settings.

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Sean Morgan

Leaders in Living Rooms
Craft & Character

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