About The Episode

“We’re not after control…we’re after a common goal.” In today’s episode, David Hibiske guides us through eight steps of aligning your ministry after you’ve launched. It’s one thing to be busy, and it can be an entirely different thing to be effective. We’re reminded in today’s episode that we’re not after busyness, but we’re after traction in our mission. Listen in for a ton of practical questions to ask each step of the way and helpful tools to get your ministry in alignment after you’ve launched.

Welcome to Episode 028 of The Unfair Advantage Podcast with Mike Hickerson and David Hibiske.

Insights From David


  • After launching, you may transition into a season of feeling things like: “I wish I had more time.” “I’m busy.” But the key question you should be asking is: Are we effective? Are we gaining traction toward the mission?
  • Tug-of-war example:
    • Traction is what helps you win.
    • Alignment: It’s not about control, but a common goal.
      • Common goal > Focus > Impact
      • “Impact is the fruit of focus.”
    • The earlier you can build muscles of focus, the greater the payoff in the future.


STEP 1: Know and communicate your vision and mission.

  • Mission = why
  • Vision = what accomplishing your mission looks like
  • Without vision, the people perish. (Proverbs)

STEP 2: Gain perspective on today.

  • Know where you’re starting.
  • 4 Helpful Lists
    • What is right?
    • What is wrong? 
    • What is missing?
    • What is confusing? 
  • SWOT analysis
    • Strengths
    • Weaknesses
    • Opportunity
    • Threat
  • Ministry Life-cycle tool

STEP 3: Determine your priorities.

  • 5-7 gaps to tackle in order to move from here to there
  • Only the “big rocks” to lift.
  • Key questions to ask:
    • What is critical that we must improve?
    • Where are we not all working toward the same goal?
    • Is there anything that is confusing?
    • Is there anything we need to stop/prune in this season?
    • Are we still operating in launch mode where we need to develop cadences for leading mode?

STEP 4: Communicate clarity.

  • This is different than communicating vision.
  • Everyone may be aligned with where you’re going…but this is about communicating what you’re doing now.
  • How clear are your teams on what is important now?
  • Practical tools:
    • Look for places you can communicate (huddles, leader meetings, etc.).
    • The OKR (objectives and key results)
    • 4 by 4 (four things to get done in the next four weeks)

STEP 5: Empower key leaders and teams.

  • Every priority must have an owner.
  • Get the right people at the table.
  • Try to get your name off the list.
  • Key considerations:
    • Who can do it beside you? Who are you developing?
    • Who is the best person to own this priority?
    • Who do we need at the table to accomplish this?
    • Who has the culture and the competency to accomplish this?

STEP 6: Implement regular accountability.

  • Accountability is about motivation, not getting in trouble.
  • Reframe accountability for your team. Winning teams have accountability.
  • Key questions:
    • How are you holding yourself accountable? What did you get done this week?
    • Then, what did we get done? Where are we stuck?
    • When are you checking in on the progress you’re making? How can you implement regular accountability.

STEP 7: Communicate and celebrate wins.

  • When you do this, it tells your team/leaders/church that you do what you say you’re going to do. This also builds trust.
  • “A lack of current celebration can lead to a lack of future engagement.”

STEP 8: Develop consistency.

  • Consistency + duration = impact
  • What can you do this year to be consistent?
  • How often and when are we going to _____?

Episode Links

The Advantage, by Patrick Lencioni

Good to Great, by Jim Collins

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Who Is David Hibiske?

David Hibiske is the Pastor of Strategic Ministry Initiatives at Saddleback Church. He grew up in Wilmington, NC before moving to Fort Worth, TX to attend Southwestern Seminary. David met his wife, Kendall, while in Seminary and they have two daughters, Ella and Avery, and one son, Andrew. After completing his Master of Divinity, David and Kendall moved to San Jose, CA to join the staff team at South Bay Church (now Echo Church). In 2022, God called them to head to Southern California and join the team at Saddleback Church where David now serves as Pastor of Strategic Ministry Initiatives.


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