Pastor of Strategic Ministry Initiatives
Saddleback Church

David Hibiske is the Pastor of Strategic Ministry Initiatives at Saddleback Church, located in Lake Forest, CA. He’s a husband, dad of three amazing kids, and on his time off he loves backpacking and exploring outdoors. Prior to Saddleback he was able to be a part of two church plants, and is passionate about helping ministry leaders reach their potential.

Ascent Leader Cohort Mentors

David Hibiske

David Hibiske

The Importance of Commitment and Capacity-Building in Church Planting

About The Episode

“There’s something about commitment that brings focus that unlocks growth.” Meet David Hibiske, Pastor of Strategic Ministry Initiatives at Saddleback Church. Today’s encouragement to church planters is to be ridiculously faithful with what God has given you. Whether you are planting a church, or in a season of growth and waiting, there is encouragement for you in today’s episode. David shares two big leaps in leadership that make all the difference in your capacity to allow for church growth.

Welcome to Episode 018 of The Unfair Advantage Podcast with Mike Hickerson and Andy Wood.

Insights From David Hibiske


  • When you take time to slow down, you can be better equipped for the future. 
  • David took two years to learn and grow before starting his own church.
  • This can also bring doubt and uncertainty. But be fully invested where you are.


  • God, I want You to open the doors.
  • Be committed where you are.
  • Be ridiculously faithful and responsible with what He’s put in your hands.


  • With growth comes the need for leadership capacity to change every year.
  • Leap #1 Learning to build leadership teams with responsibility under you.
    • Don’t create a lid for your leadership. Learn to multiply it!
  • Leap #2 Ability to lean into conflict and confrontation
    • Keep relationships clear. Talk it out. 
    • You might be one or two conversations away from a breakthrough.


  • Invite people in confidently.
  • Don’t say “no” for people. 
  • When you have a great team, you’re going to go further, faster, with joy.
  • Make sure you rest so you don’t quit.
  • Beg God for His presence. Create a prayer strategy, and leave room for margin.

Episode Links

Do ministry together! Three gatherings, nine planters, one cohesive journey. Checkout the Ascent Leader Church Planter Cohorts. Get more information today at: https://theascentleader.org/cohorts/

Who is David Hibiske

David Hibiske is the Pastor of Strategic Ministry Initiatives at Saddleback Church. He grew up in Wilmington, NC before moving to Fort Worth, TX to attend Southwestern Seminary. David met his wife, Kendall, while in Seminary and they have two daughters, Ella and Avery, and one son, Andrew. After completing his Master of Divinity, David and Kendall moved to San Jose, CA to join the staff team at South Bay Church (now Echo Church). In 2022, God called them to head to Southern California and join the team at Saddleback Church where David now serves as Pastor of Strategic Ministry Initiatives. 


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Quotes From Episode

“When God calls, He will provide.” 

“There’s something about commitment that brings focus that unlocks growth.”

“Be ridiculously faithful with what He’s put in your hands.”

“You can’t get ahead of your calling.” 

“Make sure you rest so you don’t quit.”

“We don’t want to program out the presence of God.”

Our goal with the Ascent Leader and our church planting cohorts is to help church planters win early and finish strong. We want to resource you so that you can avoid common pitfalls and simple mistakes. Being involved in a community of leaders like our church planting cohorts is one of the best ways to wrestle through these questions. We’re here to help you, if we can be of assistance to you please feel free to reach out.

Contact our team: ops@theascentleader.org

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