Daniel Grothe
About The Episode
In this episode, Steve Carter interviews Pastor, Teacher, and Author, Daniel Grothe. The vow of stability and place is counter cultural. We live in a world of cultural impermanence… and Daniel challenges us with the question, “How is that going for us?” Place matters. Stability matters. You have to fight to stay. “If salvation is going to break into the world, it’s going to be local and personal.”
Welcome to the next episode of Craft & Character with Steve Carter.
Insights From Daniel
Two Cultural Trends:
- We live in an age of wanderlust – where the grass is always greener and if I go there, I can finally find out who I really am. What if you can know who you are, right where you are?
- We have become pathologically conflict avoidant – we’ve become keyboard warriors in “digital discipleship.” We’ve started confronting one another in a passive aggressive abstraction that will never end in resolve.
The vow of stability and place. This is a message that is counter-cultural. A message that in the church, in the world, in our culture is more important than ever.
Place matters. Stability matters.
- Relational rootage
- Spiritual authority
- God calls people to places – Acts 17.
Push against this culture of impermanence that we’re living in.
- Technology is made to go obsolete in 12-18 months
- For the last 50 years, ½ of our marriages are failing at a 50% rate
- We’re growing up not knowing what can you nail down… what’s not going to move on me?
DROPS Discernment Process
If you’re asking the Lord about a move, here are five things to consider:
- Desire – Delight yourselves in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
- Relationships – Jesus sent them out 2×2. Relationships matter.
- Opportunity – Where are the true opportunities for you and your family?
- Purpose – Go to a place where your making is going to sync up with a need.
- Skills – Certain places will need your exact skills.
Daniel’s Passion and Process for the Craft
- The impact of a pen and notepad
- The power of transitions
- Read it outloud
- Listen to the full episode for more of Daniel’s process and advice for communicators – you don’t want to miss it!
Episode Links
Craft & Character Giveaway! Win a literal library of leadership books!
Follow Craft & Character on Instagram: @craftandcharacter
Find Daniel at DanielGrothe.com
Get Daniel’s New Book: The Power of Place: Choosing Stability in a Rootless Age
YouTube: Rev. C L Franklin Sermons
Who is Daniel Grothe?
Daniel Grothe is the associate senior pastor at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he’s been for sixteen years. Daniel and his wife, Lisa, live on a hobby farm outside of Colorado Springs with their three children, Lillian, Wilson, and Wakley, and a thriving throng of happy animals. Daniel is currently pursuing his doctorate from Western Theological Seminary.
Instagram: @mrdanielgrothe
Twitter: @mrdanielgrothe

Sponsors & Ministry Partners
Thanks to our sponsor: Food For The Hungry.
Combine your church’s heart for the poor and Food for the Hungry’s global experience at fh.org/churches.
Preaching Today Network – Craft & Character has partnered with the Preaching Today and Christianity Today teams to bring you incredible content for your craft. We are so excited about this partnership and what it means for our church leaders.
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The Ascent Leader – My passion is to get incredible communicators in living rooms with incredible pastors and leaders. We do that through Craft and Character cohorts with The Ascent Leader. Don’t miss the Ascent Leader’s new lineup of transitions cohorts for 2022. Check them out today at https://theascentleader.org/cohorts/
Quotes From Episode
“We’ve started confronting one another in a passive aggressive abstraction that will never end in resolve.”
“If salvation is going to break into the world, it’s going to be local and personal.”
“We are a society of the transfer portal.”
“Serving in the Kingdom of God is too hard to do it as a mercenary.”
“The right place will call the best out of you.”
“We are experience rich and relationally poor.”
“You can’t finely disrupt God’s plan. If you’ve had a moment of great disruption, take as long as you need to take. And it will take as long as it needs to take.”
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About the Host
Steve Carter is a renowned pastor, speaker, author, and the former lead teaching pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago.
As host, Steve sits down with ministry leaders to talk about the art of mastering communication while growing in personal character.

Your Host
Steve Carter
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