Carey Nieuwhof
Who is Carey Nieuwhof?
Carey Nieuwhof is a former lawyer and founding pastor of Connexus Church. Carey’s passion for helping people thrive in life and leadership is evident in his latest book, At Your Best: How To Get Time, Energy And Priorities Working In Your Favor. Pastor Niewhof is also a gifted speaker and the best-selling author of, Didn’t See It Coming: Overcoming the Seven Greatest Challenges That No One Expects But Everyone Experiences.
From Carey: “I met the most amazing woman in my first year of law school. We got married before we graduated. By far…she’s the best thing to come out of law school for me! The second thing that happened was I experienced a call to ministry. Honestly, the call confused me as much as it compelled me. I finished law and out of obedience, enrolled in seminary.
In 1995, as I was wrapping up seminary, I started ministry as a student pastor among three little mainline churches an hour north of Toronto. When I started, one of the churches had an average attendance of 6 (not making that up). Much to my surprise I had discovered a community I’m still a part of over 20 years later.
Our church has changed everything in those two decades…the music, the buildings, our governance, our mission, our vision….everything, really. We even left our denomination and now are a multisite church with three locations reaching over 1500 people each weekend.
Along the way, I developed a passion for helping other leaders lead like never before.”

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About the Host
Steve Carter is a renowned pastor, speaker, author, and the former lead teaching pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago.
As host, Steve sits down with ministry leaders to talk about the art of mastering communication while growing in personal character.

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Steve Carter
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