Dr. Warren Bird

Post-Pandemic Focus

About The Episode


“The definition of what the Lead Pastor needs to be and do coming out of the pandemic has changed.” In this episode, Sean sits down with Dr. Warren Bird from ECFA to lean into the challenges pastors are facing coming out of the pandemic, and into recession and inflation. With a heavy focus on  Ephesians 4:11-12, Dr. Bird and Sean wrestle with how churches honestly answer the question, “Are we an equipping and empowering church?” and how as a leader, you must be examining your own calling, uniqueness, and gift mix to lead the church God’s way through your leadership. 

Welcome to Episode 062 of the Leaders in Living Rooms Podcast with Sean Morgan. 

Insights From Dr. Warren Bird

The Great Reset vs. The Great Resignation

  • For the first time people are asking: Is this really what I should be doing and what I want to be doing?
  • The number of Pastors who are considering leaving the ministry is almost unchanged. The question is do they, are they, will they? 
  • The definition of what the Lead Pastor needs to be and do coming out of the pandemic has changed. It’s no longer just pastor/shepherd. For maybe the first time, they need to become initiators, entrepreneurs, evangelists of the Gospel, much like a church planter. 
    • Ephesians 4:11-12 – “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”
    • The fundamental skill of a leader to release and empower others into ministry is a vital skill. It’s rare this is a natural skill, but most pastors can learn how. 
  • If you are a Pastor being challenged with clarity of vision coming out of the pandemic, here are three questions to ask:
    • Are you rested? Research says that most Pastors are more tired than they realize. 
    • How clear are you on the specific mission/vision of your church and the handful of metrics that you measure?
    • What is God blessing or wanting to bless and how do I align with it?

Rest Rhythms

  • Are you rested? 
    • Research says that most Pastors are more tired than they realize. 
      • You need 20% more margin as a Lead Pastor than in other roles. You need to be able to see things from 40,000 feet. If you can’t, no one else will be able to either. 
  • What does rest and recharging look like for you in this season
    • God doesn’t judge us by the quantity of work we do for Him. He’s always coming back to look at the heart. 
    • “If you’re not rested, you’re reactionary.” 
  • What we say no to is often more impactful than what we say yes to. Good, better and best. Most of the things we are choosing from are better and best. Which is why it’s so difficult to say no. 
    • “In my ministry, I had so many unhealthy and unbiblical reasons why I needed to say yes to things. In my maturity, I’m learning what actually needs my yes.” 
    • Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
  • 3 Ideas on Discernment: 
    • “Research says if you compare two groups of people, one of whom gets together with ministry peers at least once a month for at least one hour vs. those who don’t. The quality of their church activities and congregational growth is much higher across the board. If you haven’t found a “professional” group to hang out with, find one.”
    • Effective governance – board members report that overall they are tremendously underutilized. That is a gold mine that Pastors can tap into for wisdom. 
    • Today there are more resources available than in anytime in human history. There’s good stuff for exactly what you need. 

Clarity on Mission/Vision and Metrics

  • Measure lead factors vs. lag factors
    • Lead factors – what creates the result
    • Lag factors – the outcomes 
    • We’ve focused too much on measuring the lag factors, not the lead factors. 
  • If I’m part of a healthy small group, if I’m serving, if I’m letting God lead my finances then I will be there on Sunday. Because these are lead factors. 

God’s Blessing

  • How do church leaders answer this question well?
    • Experiencing God by Henry Blackabee really leans into this question
  • The holy spirit comes on groups, far more than individuals. God uses others to help us put pieces together and discerning those places that God wants to bless. 

“For most leaders, the pandemic will be a turning point. Some leaders might say, God, I’ve been trying to do too much of the work myself and I need to learn how to do more of the work through others. For some it may be the need to address isolation and develop more personal friendships of a deep, high-trust, we’re in this together environment.”


Congregational Growth Chart

Episode Links

The Simple Church by Thom Rainer

Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby 

Large Church Trends Blog by Dr. Warren Bird

Research shows that two determining factors of a church plants success are: 

1. Was the planter assessed beforehand?
2. Is the planter being coached post plant launch?

Check out Church Planter Cohorts with the Ascent Leader

Are you in Transition or have one on the horizon?  We encourage you to check out more about our cohort work and how you can get signed up at: https://theascentleader.org/cohorts/ 

Who Is Dr. Warren Bird?

Warren Bird, Ph.D., is ECFA’s senior vice president of research and equipping. He serves ECFA by increasing the scope, impact and depth of our knowledge base while equipping ECFA’s members to apply what ECFA is learning through research. Warren is widely recognized as among the nation’s leading students, researchers, and writers about large, fast-growing and innovative churches. An ordained minister with a big heart for the local church, Warren has led in various pastoral positions, taught at several seminaries, and served most recently for 13 years at Leadership Network, overseeing their research department where they released several dozen groundbreaking reports on topics like multisite churches, large-church compensation, church planting, and church residencies. An award-winning writer, he has also co-authored 34 books for church leaders on topics like breaking growth barriers, healthy mergers, and effective pastoral succession.

Twitter: @warrenbird


Thanks to our sponsor: Food For The Hungry.

Combine your church’s heart for the poor and Food for the Hungry’s global experience at fh.org/churches.  

The Art of Leadership Academy – https://careynieuwhof.com/the-art-of-leadership-academy/

Quotes From Episode

“In my ministry, I had so many unhealthy and non biblical reasons why I needed to say yes to things. In my maturity, I’m learning what really needs my yes.” 

“The definition of what the Lead Pastor needs to be and do coming out of the pandemic has changed.”

“The fundamental skill of a leader to release and empower others into ministry is a vital skill.” 

“For most leaders, the pandemic will be a turning point. Some leaders might say, God, I’ve been trying to do too much of the work myself and I need to learn how to do more of the work through others. For some it may be the need to address isolation and develop more personal friendships of a deep, high-trust, we’re in this together environment.” 

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About the Host

Sean Morgan is a coach and speaker with a national reputation as a catalyst of fresh vision. His passion is to help ministries navigate obstacles and turn them into opportunities.

Throughout his career, Sean has pioneered initiatives impacting thousands of leaders across the country. He started out serving as Executive Pastor and CFO at New Life Church in northern California.

As host, Sean gives you access to amazing conversations, hard-won wisdom, and poignant insights from world-class leaders in intimate “living room” settings.

Your Host

Sean Morgan

Leaders in Living Rooms
Craft & Character

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